Fox & The Forest

Predator & Prey: a chat about Isle Royale's Moosewatch program



You've probably heard of Isle Royale National Park. Although one of the least visited national parks, it's one of the most revisited and is one of the closer parks for those of us living in mid-Michigan. What you might not know is that Isle Royale is ground zero for the longest ongoing predator-prey study, which examines the fascinating relationship between the island's wolves and moose. Moosewatch is a citizen science effort to assist researchers with the necessary groundwork to help collect data critical to this ongoing effort. In this episode, SBLC staff members Ted Lind and Trevor Edmonds sit down with SBLC Executive Director Zak Branigan to discuss the variety of challenges and rewarding experiences offered to those that participate as Moosewatch volunteers. Sit back and enjoy!If you'd like to learn even more about Ted and Trevor's experience participating in Moosewatch, check out this video from the SBLC's Socially Distant Science & Adventure Series featuring footage an