Kate Hastings Show

Choose your struggles



Choose your struggles rather than letting them choose you. Everyone’s got struggles. We assume we should struggle less, but we actually need to reframe that. We need to struggle better. Life is about choosing which problem, which struggle is worth it, and then going for it. Most people only know what to do when things are going good, not necessarily when shit hits the fan. The people who are most resilient and handle struggle the best actually go further in achieving their goals. When you keep hitting a wall you build upon it to see higher, not as a roadblock. When you choose to struggle for something that’s meaningful and hard it becomes a personal gain. There’s no easy way to know what struggle to choose you just have to start somewhere. Getting used to struggle has practical benefits, too. In any goal, you are going to run into setbacks, failures and disappointments. And having the skills to be able to deal with that struggle effectively will keep you on the path moving forward.