Movers + Mavericks

Equip - Asher Clark, Vivo - Episode 106



Hey there and welcome to the weMove Gear podcast where I talk to brands who have caught our eye by doing something we find interesting or would wear and use. These are not gear reviews per se, rather conversations about the journey from the start to the present and onwards. Inspired by my interest in the people behind the brand, because it is their energy that comes through in the product and makes for something special.And this week I catch up with Asher Clark, Creative Director for Vivo Barefoot who we are no strangers to ourselves. The barefoot revolution seems to be gaining momentum and Vivo are doing good things in this space, as you would expect from the team who literally have shoe making in their genes. The surname Clark is no coincidence here.Asher knows his game and is super open about what Vivo are trying to do and most interestingly for me anyway is how they see what they make as foot wear rather than shoes. We talk about the elephant in the room of the “ugly shoe” which barefoot brands for sure f