Coffee With Jeff

Coffee With Jeff #185: CWJ185- Alice Guy Blaché (Repeat)



In the late 19th, century a new industry began; filmmaking. In the beginning, it was open to anyone – man or woman – who wanted to try. That would change once big money got involved, and some would be pushed aside and forgotten about. Are you ready to hear the story of a remarkable woman named Alice Guy Blaché who helped create the art of film and how Hollywood and history left her behind? Today I repeat the story of Alice Guy Blaché on the 185th episode of Coffee with Jeff. Show notes and links: The Lost Garden: The Life and Cinema of Alice Guy-Blaché (1995) ( The Cabbage Fairy (1896) – 1st Female Filmmaker – ALICE GUY BLACHE – La Fee aux Choux ( Alice Guy-Blaché – Wikipedia ( “Falling Leaves” (1912) silent film dir by Alice Guy Blaché – piano score by Ben Model ( This link has no title ( Home | Alice Guy Blaché ( Fort Lee: The Film Town by Richard Koszarski, Paperback ( Home | Alice Guy Blaché (alic