Coffee With Jeff

Coffee With Jeff #124: Three Mile Island



In the 1970s, nuclear power plants were popping up everywhere in the U.S.A. So quickly, in fact, that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission didn’t have the resources to keep up. One of these plants was Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania. On the night of March 28, 1979, lights and alarms began going off like it was The Forth of July in the reactor control room. Something was wrong, and for the next few days, the world waited to see if southern Pennsylvania was going to be a nuclear wasteland! Show notes and links: Three Mile Island accident – Wikipedia ( Three Mile Island: The Inside Story  ( MELTDOWN AT THREE MILE ISLAND ( Three Mile Island: The Inside Story  ( Three Mile Island Documentary: Nuclear Power’s Promise and Peril | Retro Report | The New York Times ( Three mile Island Disaster – Documentary – Part 1 ( Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station ( ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★