Coffee With Jeff

Coffee With Jeff #97: Flight 19 & the Bermuda Triangle



In 1945, five Military planes took off from Florida on a three-hour training mission and they never returned. A search plane with 13 men was sent out to look for survivors, and it was never seen again. Were these disappearances a horrible accident or were the 27 men another victim of the Bermuda Triangle. Today, I have the story of the unsolved mystery of Flight 19 as well as a little history of how the triangle can to be, on Sunday Morning Coffee with Jeff. Show notes and links: UFO spotters claim NASA shut down ISS feed to cover-up another UFO sighting ( NASA explains what happened to video feed of mysterious “UFO” ( This link has no title ( Flight 19 – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( This link has no title ( Bermuda Triangle – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( The Mysterious Disappearance of Flight 19 ( Legend Of The Lost Patrol ( The Disappearance of Flight 19 ( The UnMuseum –