Coffee With Jeff

Coffee With Jeff #93: The Cradle of the Deep Hoax



Simon and Schuster published the book, Cradle of the Deep, in March of 1929. It was the amazing and thrilling autobiography of Joan Lowell who spent her first 17 years of her life aboard the ship, the Minnie A. Caine, a four-mast Schooner. It was an irresistible tale and some began to think that it was almost too amazing, something more of a Hollywood movie. To people who knew life on the seaBroome of what she wrote didn’t sound authentic. Nautical experts who read the book found “innumerable flaws”, including facts that any amateur sailor would not have mistaken. Show notes and links: The Philadelphia Story (1940) – Dinah (Virginia Weidler) singing “Lydia, the Tattooed Lady” ( Meet the grandmother of memoir fabricators ( Born in Berkeley: Joan Lowell ( The Pittsburgh Press – Google News Archive Search ( Joan Lowell & Her Literary Hoax ( The Cradle of the Deep (1929) ( Joan Lowell’s Literary Hoax – Molly