Victory Fellowship Church Podcast

Revival Fire



Revival is a time of spiritual renewal and awakening that transforms a community or region.  A revival occurs when people have a renewed passion for God or are awakened spiritually in the Lord. In the message, Pastor Cynthia Bryan invites believers to pursue God and receive passion for a community-wide awakening revival. A community-transforming revival moves outside of the church building. This kind of revival touches every part of society. Revival at Pentecost:The first Christian revival that shook the world is recorded in the book of Acts. Acts 1:4-8, chapter 2. This move of the Holy Spirit transformed those who were touched. They moved from fear to boldly proclaiming the Good News of Jesus. The same Holy Spirit that moved at Pentecost is here today. This kind of experience is available for us today. In that first great revival at Pentecost, over 3,000 Jewish people came to Christ. The fire of the Spirit that was poured out on Pentecost spread from Jerusalem. By the year 300 around 14 million people called