Steve Forbes: What's Ahead

S2E4: The Pioneer Who Upended The Investment Model By Putting Investors First: Charles Schwab



Disreputable. To the suspicious skeptics, that’s the word that described Charles Schwab’s idea of a discounted brokerage firm during the firm’s nascent days. Ironic, considering Schwab’s goal then (and now) was to help individuals do a better job of investing in order to be a part of what Schwab calls “the great growth of America.” In Schwab’s conversation with Steve, hear some of the stories featured in his recently published book, Invested: Changing Forever The Way Americans Invest, about the many personal and professional stumbling blocks he navigated along his path to incredible success building The Charles Schwab Corporation, one of the largest brokerage firms in the U.S. Steve also looks at the week ahead and speaks to a bunch of economic numbers, the upcoming democratic debate on Tuesday, October 15th, the travesty of Turkey’s abandonment of the Kurds and more on the trade deal with China and the China-NBA controversy. Steve’s “Reads of the Week” consist of two articles and a google sear