Steve Forbes: What's Ahead

S1E23: Managing Money and Saving Souls: Stephen Auth



First up, Steve speaks to a myriad of topics including the upcoming Democratic debates, the White House battle with the Fed, why we should focus on export/import numbers instead of the trade deficit to determine global and national economic health and China’s talk about trade despite the crackdown in Hong Kong.Then, prominent investing veteran, Stephen Auth, chief investment officer for Federated Investors, discusses the universal truths he’s learned on his unconventional journey to enlightenment on Wall Street and beyond. From going temporarily blind on a missionary trip in Mexico to bringing lapsed Catholics back to their faith on the hectic New York City streets, Auth shares what he’s learned about perseverance in the face of suffering, embracing humility and his journey to becoming a more compassionate leader. Hear Auth’s insight on the future of Catholicism and why a modern, business-minded approach is what’s needed to reform this 2,000 year old institution.Lastly, Steve’s “Read Of The Week” are two arti