Wall Street Oasis

E113: 8 year Hedge Fund Pro takes a Sharp Turn



In this episode, Sam explains his path from the Ivey School of Business to an investment banking analyst position at Credit Suisse in London, right during the financial crisis in 2008.  We learn why he turned down a return full-time offer from Scotiabank and rolled the dice his senior year, what it was like when half his analyst class got laid off within 9 months at Credit Suisse and why he jumped to a hedge fund after two years in IB.  We then delve into what it was really like trying to gain responsibility at a large hedge fund to start running his own P&L, how much his first trade was, the stresses of the job, and some important life lessons he learned along the way.  Don't miss this one, I think a lot of you will really appreciate Sam's perspective and why he made such a dramatic change after so many years...  Also, if you want to hear more about what Sam's up to, visit Samuel's blog at https://www.samuelandrew.com/  Enjoy!