Made: In Britain

Make UK & BDO Manufacturing Outlook 2021 Q2



The Make UK/BDO quarterly manufacturing outlook survey for the first second months of 2021 shows that the sector is beginning a sustained and strong bounce back, even earlier than hoped. As Jonty Bloom explains in his latest podcast output volumes are the highest ever recorded, with both British and export orders rebounding. Hello and welcome to this Make UK podcast in conjunction with the business advisors BDO. We have all the details on the latest in depth survey of British manufacturing industry. This shows that output and orders are improving, employment prospects have improved and overall the growth forecast for manufacturing has been increased yet again, this time doubling and it is now expected to reach 7.8% for the whole year.  To discuss the survey I am joined by James Broom (Brougham) senior economist at Make UK and Richard Austin head of manufacturing at BDO and I started by asking James whether manufacturing had been expected to bounce back this quickly.. Richard Austin and James Broom on the