E-com Sales Tax

Want to Start Collecting Sales Tax at the First of the Year? You Can Do It! Here are the 5 Steps You Need to Take Now.



Is your New Year's Resolution for 2019 to start collecting and filing sales taxes? It can seem like an overwhelming and confusing task to take on yourself. We have been doing this for the last 25 years and have seen first hand just how complicated it has become.  Now with the recent decision by the Supreme Court (Wayfair) it, it appears that many companies are deciding to just register and file. And it seems like they all want to make it effective January 1, 2019. In today’s podcast, you will learn what that would entail and how to get your business ready to start collecting and remitting sales tax. Listen in as Andy and Dan discuss the the 5 steps you need to take in order to make this happen by the first of the year and see the questions they answer.Step #1: Start With Nexus And Taxability. Figure out where you have nexus first and consider if what you sell is even taxable. How do I determine my nexus footprint?Do I need to get registered everywhere?At what point can states force you to register?Can I