Movers + Mavericks

Cultivate connection over competition - Episode 98 - Rick Cooper



The sports field is literally a proving ground, and in this weeks podcast we explore an idea that maybe the proving ground is not fully understood and that we often attempt to prove something that doesn't need to be proven. That, you are enough and you have always been enough.Now imagine what that shift in understanding would do to how we show up on the field, that you are in the field because of who you are.That is what I take from our podcast with @rick_cooper, ex rugby player, fireman and now leadership coach and speaker. We talk, Competition. Connection. Resilience. Leadership, how to pick yourself up when you are told you will never walk again and more.Thanks brother for your time, as always it was a pleasure.If you like the pod and feel like buying us a coffee to keep us fueled, then follow the link in the bio.Peace☮️, love❤️ and rigor✊.