Victory Fellowship Church Podcast




We live in a time of conspiracy theories. Why do people believe conspiracy theories? How should Christians respond to conspiracy theories? Pastor Jamie Nunnally addresses these questions and shares wisdom to handle unverified information. . Why should we be careful with conspiracy theories?1. Gossip and bearing false witness are sins.Exodus 20:16If you’re sharing unverified information, you are in sin and need to repent.Prov. 17:4  2. Your witness can be harmed.Colossians 4:5 James 1:25 If you’re always sharing stuff that’s fake, why would people listen to you about your faith? Don’t kill your credibility over conspiracy theories. 3. It can be a distraction from your real purpose. Hebrews 12:2 Time you spent investigating a conspiracy theory is time you didn’t spend with God.Philippians 4:8 “Don’t let the noise of the world keep you from hearing the voice of the Lord.” 4. People can get hurt. 1 Timothy 6:20-21 Isaiah 8:12  Are you responding to conspiracy theories the way a Christian should?