E-com Sales Tax

Understanding Nexus? Check... Understanding Taxability? Let's Talk About That.



Once you have determined that you have nexus and where you have nexus we need to talk about what happens NEXT. Before you start registering anywhere and everywhere, you need to determine the taxability of your products or services. It can be as simple as saying all your products are taxable or as complicated as you could possibly imagine.Additional questions answered: How to tax or what to tax?  What is the right tax rate? What's taxable?Do a lot of e-commerce sellers who sell items that are tangible property want to know how to tax the items?How do e-commerce platforms work? Do they set the tax automatically or the sellers should put it themselves? How to manage different tax rates in different states?Who should collect the tax: platforms or seller? Which items are taxable or nontaxable in different states? Do they need to report the tax?What happens when you over collect the tax or you are under collecting it? How is the penalty provided?Does applying codes for the type of item that is selling make thi