Movers + Mavericks

Shadow Work and Ancestral Healing - Farah Siddiq - Episode 83



Today we bring up the concept of the Shadow, the term coined by Carl Jung to describe the place where we store our psychological wounds, negative thought patterns and ancestral baggage which can weigh us down and prevent our true self emerging and ascending in the world.Chris and I have both been interested in this concept as we became curious as to how people including ourselves would find movement, sport, physical activity healing to our soul and psyche, and also a distraction when used and abused. Just the idea that there was something not quite right with me due to my past experiences sounded woo woo, and a little daft until I began to recognise patterns emerging in how I would deal with certain situations which seemingly reappeared throughout my daily life. The ones where someone says or doesn’t say something to you and it triggers a cascade of thoughts and emotions that come from seemingly nowhere.That nowhere is the shadow, the side of yourself which you don’t see but is very much there and influencing