Movers + Mavericks

The Bruce Lee of Breathwork - Dan Brulé - Episode 79



Dan Brulé is a lynchpin in the breathing world. He was literally destined to teach breathing after being inspired as a four year old in school when his teacher read a passage from the Book of Genesis: “Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” Not everyones go to book, but it created a fascination with breath that led Dan to become an X Ray technician (his first X ray being a patients lungs), a Special Forces diver, a deep sea diver aswell as travelling the world learning the Eastern traditions of breathwork from Chi Gong to Pranayama aswell as Holotropic breathwork with Stanislav Grov and Rebirthing with Leonard Or. And it was Dan’s book Just Breathe, which brought him to our attention, connecting many of the dots we had discovered in our conversations with other Breathwork teachers and guides. He has done it all, so it is fitting that he is called the Bruce Lee of breathwork by Tony Robins (the world-reno