Movers + Mavericks

Connecting to our Health and Purpose - Troy Casey - Episode 64



Welcome to the weMove Podcast. Last week we spoke with Jill Miller about the importance of creating a safe space for the body to release and let go of the tension it holds unnecessarily. This week we follow that up with Troy Casey aka @certifiedhealthnut who we ice bathed, and sat with in the glorious Californian sun to hear his route from hedonistic model to a being focussed on the true essence of being a healthy self, and that is to heal thy self. Troy is a CHEK practitioner, fitness and lifestyle coach who looks the result of the protocols and practices he teaches. Both Chris and I were unsure of what to expect when we turned up in Venice, based on his instagram account. Well looks can be deceiving and what followed was such a clear story of his progression from the party hard model to the conduit to support others on their journey to good health. We talk health and healing protocols, plant medicines from simple herbs to the powerful and sacred Ayahuasca and equally importantly the spaces that he and his n