E-com Sales Tax

Can a member of an LLC be held personally liable for unpaid sales tax?



Here's a link to the full video broadcast, if you'd rather watch the video. Can an employee be held personally responsible for unpaid sales tax? 00:35 Does an LLC insulate you from sales tax liability? 00:48 What if you delegate the tax responsibility to another member of the LLC? 03:21 Are sales taxes considered trust taxes? 04:10 Does personal liability apply even in a case where taxes haven't been collected, or does it just apply with taxes collected and not remitted? 05:40 Another example of a bookkeeper not paying sales tax on online sales and the business owner was held personally liable. 07:10 What are the personal liability laws in other states? 09:15 Is there a chart showing what state laws are on personal responsibility that we can download? 09:25 Should we place our absolute reliance on these survey charts? 09:45 What is the personal liability law in New York? 10:52 What if I'm not an active member in the LLC, am I still personally liable? 11:20 What is the personal respons