Grace At Fort Clarke Podcast




America is founded upon the Judeo-Christian principle that no person should ever exist under the tyranny of another person, people or government. It’s a message that all people should be free. Likewise, God sent his son, Jesus, to set you and me free. Free from past failures, present strife, guilt and shame, even from fear—especially the fear of death. Do you know this freedom? You can. It is in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. And it is given freely. QUESTIONS • What is it about being an American you value most? Would the world be a better place if every person enjoyed the things you appreciate that your country affords you? • What is it about being a Christ-follower you value most? • Have you been set free from something through God’s power in your life? Can you describe what happened? How do you feel being free from that? • What is it you believe God wants to set you free from currently? Is this something you believe he can—and wants—to do in your life? What do you believe he wants you to do to