Movers + Mavericks

Movement and the Search for Meaning - Olivia Berggren - Episode 91



Hey there and welcome to the weMove podcast. To say that the last few months have been unpredictable is an understatement, it has certainly taken its toll on the routine and structure of my days and for that I apologise as the frequency of our podcast releases has been intermittent as a result. Todays episode is a continuation of the movement and search for meaning conversations and one that we recorded as we entered the first week of the original lockdown. For some there is a second lockdown and it is curious how this episode is timely even now. We often feel the need to rush but as one of our friends wrote the other week “Rushing is what got me…” Just goes to show that quality be it actions or conversations rarely have a sell by date. In fact having just moved to Northern Portugal and observing the cities of UK and perhaps beyond, there is a manic rush that prevails under the guise of direction and purpose. Anyway back to the podcast. This conversation is with Olivia Berggren who had a similar experience to