How To Become A Consultant Podcast

Session 029 | SEO and Strategic Expert Andy Crestodina | How to Grow an Income



Andy has been in the web design and interactive marketing space since January of 2000. In that time, he's helped thousands of people do a better job getting results online. He's a true evangelist for content marketing and ethical digital marketing. Together with the team at Orbit Media, Andy has put out some of the best digital marketing advice available in hundreds of practical articles, including posts on virtually all of the top marketing websites. Then there's the book, Content Chemistry, which is currently in it's third edition. Andy is also a regular speaker both locally and nationally. Not only is Andy a founder ofContent Jam, Chicago's largest content marketing conference (currently in it's fifth year) but he's also a regular face on the national circuit. If you go to a content marketing conference, the one Chicagoan you're mostly likely to hear is Andy Crestodina. It's likely that you've read something from him or heard him speak on topics including content strategy, search and Analytics. Those topic