Black Wolf Untitled

C&T Ep. 45: What's hot on Netflix and Nutrition with Miranda



Miranda drops some nutrition advice in at 29:39 so be sure to check that out.  The rest is for your enjoyment.  We do ask toward the beginning for your help in building the future format for this podcast. Right now we are looking at  -Coffee Talk: Joel teaching me something he has recently discovered about the wonderful world of coffee -What did you watch, listen to, read: We are only allowed to reference Joe Rogan once a month. This may be business related or, like today, what we have really, really enjoyed consuming for our own entertainment (check out the F1 Docuseries on Netflix. It's AMAZING!).  -Upcoming announcements   What else would you like to hear us talk about? This can be a researched subject, or just our personal thoughts. Your call. This is for y'all and we do not want it to continue to devolve into Joel and I just having conversations we can have outside of the podcast.    Thanks for being awesome!