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056 - Matthew Barnes - Taking Leaps in Life



You’ve probably seen the flashy clips of stuntmen doing crazy jumps, but maybe you’ve never heard of the martial arts side of parkour. It’s not just about showing off… In fact, parkour is incredibly challenging, both physically and mentally. It tests your knowledge of self. It builds confidence. And it teaches you to trust in your abilities. In this episode, long-time parkour trainer Matthew Barnes talks about developing his mental fortitude through parkour, bringing these mindset skills to business, and taking big entrepreneurial leaps. Not only has Matt challenged himself with backflips and running jumps, but he’s also built LAEF (Local Agriculture Expansion Foundation) with his wife to connect small farms with local consumers and cut down on their costs for marketing and payment processing. How do you know when to take risks? Matt says it’s all about dancing on the edge of your mental limits while staying well within your physical ones. Listen to this episode to learn more! Click here to get the full show