Elliot Roe's A-game Advantage

039 - Jamie Seamans - Using Lifes Challenges as Advantages



In this episode, Jamie Seamans, a life-long entrepreneur and cofounder of Garage Kings, shares how to scale a business you love. Jamie opens up about his biggest challenges and how he kept hustling – even when his wife was uncertain about his vision. Jamie and Elliot discuss learning, growth and mentorship, and Jamie explains the stages of business he believes are best for each. Listen in to hear the three things Jamie thinks about daily, why it’s dangerous to connect your purpose with your job, and the number one thing every entrepreneur must know about their business. Click here to access the full show notes & extra content for this episode and to listen to all of the other episodes! 3 Key Points Get the momentum going from the beginning! Get clear on your purpose and don’t just link your purpose to your job. Life is stages of letting go. Contact/Resources Primed Mind – Elliot’s Mindset Coaching App com - Website Garage Kings - YouTube