Elliot Roe's A-game Advantage

023 - Matt Mullenweg - The Evolution of Wordpress & Democratizing Publishing



In today’s episode, Matt Mullenweg, co-founder of WordPress, CEO of Automattic, photographer, and world traveler, explains why he believes open-source is the only moral way for software to continue. Matt has witnessed the rapid advancement of open-source through his work with WordPress and has dedicated his life to democratizing publishing on the entire web. Although his lifelong mission is lofty to say the least, he maintains a balanced life with meditation, disconnected breaks, and travel. Listen in as Matt shares his opinion on culture, results, and taking control of your journey. Visit A-Game Advantage or find us on iTunes to subscribe, visit previous episodes, and learn more about your host, Elliot Roe. Time Stamped Show Notes 01:30 –Introducing Matt Mullenweg, co-founder of WordPress, CEO of Automattic, photographer, and world traveler 02:00 – He loved the idea of making websites; he started coding by contributing to his own blog 02:30 - Matt’s early days 02:40 – He volunteered for B2-Cafelog and when