Conversations With Samantha &

Love It or Leave It - Susana Velasco



On this episode of Love It or Leave it Samantha Clarke explores one of the graduate journeys from our Changemaker certification. Susana Velasco immediately knew she wanted to come on board and take the Changemaker certification. She has a history working in customer success, in a really busy startup, as well as being a professionally trained singer. She wanted to look at how to work in a way that really fulfilled her potential and allowed her to use her skills in customer success, but also with the professional vocal training, to really help people find their voice in the workplace and in their lives as well to be happier. We explore her journey over the six months, what's changed for her in her life and the work that she wants to do now in the world. And I'm just so excited to share with you the behind the scenes of how the program works, what you'll be learning and how it is changing people's lives on a daily basis.   "It really converts you to become such a better person, to be able to deliver all those th