Conversations With Samantha &

Love It or Leave It - Vanessa Sanyauke



On this episode of Love It or Leave it Samantha Clarke interviews Vanessa Sanyauke about her work as a diversity and inclusion professional, presenter and writer based in London. Vanessa has over a decade of experience advising FTSE 100 businesses on Diversity, Inclusion and Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives and policy. Listen as she discusses the work she does with Girls Talk London in creating a safe space for girls to engage with companies as well as her role as a Millennial leader.   Vanessa Sanyauke - It’s important to have something outside of your day job, and something that you can control, that you can drive and that you can create. So I sort of see it as my business is my legacy and impact, and I guess my job is my contribution to society but I see my business as my lasting contribution to the world.   Timestamps: 1.48 - What do you do and what drew you to working in this field? 3.39 - Why have you chosen to work in house and for yourself? 4.51 - Tell us about what magic you create with Gi