Conversations With Samantha &

Love It or Leave It - Veronica Fossa



On this episode of Love It or Leave it Samantha Clarke interviews Veronica Fossa. She is the creator of the WE Factory, which is a workplace eating culture and design hub created to help thought leaders, CEOs, and professionals working in HR, people operations, talent and culture like you eat better, feel more connected with your team, and increase your quality of life at work.   Quote:   Veronica Fossa - People confuse having a coffee machine or providing a catered lunch as having a food program, which is not really what it’s all about because in my perspective there needs to be a strategy and it needs to be part of the overarching employer branding.   Timestamps:   2.14 - What is a Work Based Eating Designer & Strategist? 9.17 - Telling companies it is important to look at the every day 13.25 - Should companies think about food as an extension of their brand? 20.26 - A New Zealand companies approach to food culture 22.48 - Have you ever been called in to pitch a food design experience to managers? 25.12