Conversations With Samantha &

Share Your Awesomeness - Samantha Clarke



On this episode of Love It or Leave It Samantha Clarke looks at how we can continue to remind ourselves of our awesomeness. She discusses taking the time to evaluate our tool kit and think about the things that we have that are often overlooked as well as taking the time to savour our achievements. Also, stay tuned to hear about the importance of allowing others to see your brilliance. 
Quote Samantha Clarke - When we are very clear on what we have in our tool kit we can know exactly what we are naturally good at and what we don’t need to learn that is a strength. What are the things that naturally come easily to you? That you can be in flow with and where do you feel like actually, I am working against the grain here?    Timestamps 02:33 - How can we start to take a moment to savour our skills and strengths 03:12 - When we are clear what we know in our tool kit we know what we are naturally good at 03:39 - What are you naturally great at? 05:09 - The importance of surveying our passions 05:43 - What are your