Risk Everyday With Kristy Arnett

How to be Charismatic - with Charlie Houpert



What is charisma? According to Dictionary.com: “compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others.” To bring it into visual terms-- bring to mind the most charismatic person you know. When they walk into a room, everyone notices. When they speak, people lean in. Others desire to be around them. The next question is- Can you learn to be charismatic? My guest today says YES! Charlie Houpert is a former shy guy and Co Founder of Charisma On Command, a Youtube Channel with over 1.2 million subscribers, dedicated to teaching people how to be charismatic. The videos are incredibly entertaining and informative about topics such as body language, mindsets shifts for confidence and how to use language effectively. He even uses real-life examples of how celebrities use their charisma to tell interesting stories, make people laugh and make themselves memorable. According Charlie, “The idea that you are either born with it or you’re not is a destructive myth created by people who want to justify thei