
NextStep - The Ten(der) Commandments: Pursuing Empty Images



Tonight we will look at the truth that idols are anything which takes our focus off of God. Even the things which seem or are “good? – when they usurp God’s position in our lives, they become idols. We’ll challenge people to look at their own lives and name the idols they worship and then also remind them, that God tells us he wants our focus on him – not so he can see better when we mess up and be ready to jump on us – but rather He wants our focus on Him so that we will focus on what’s best for us – in this life and for eternity. To Know: We become like that which we worship To Feel: Desire to take stock of what gods I am worshiping that aren’t God and the willingness to get rid of them To Do:Take an active look at your life and answer this question: If everyone leaves an “Image? here on earth (and we do) – what image so I want mine to be? Then take the active steps towards doing just that!