
The Water of Life...Real Revelation!



Scripture Focus: Revelation 7:9-17 There are at least three life-changing promises from this text. This life is not the big event. They know that this life will be swallowed up by eternal life. The eternal life we inherit is without suffering. It is devoid of pain represented by the wiping away of tears, it is a place where Jesus has thrown a tent of protection around us that causes all the pain and suffering to disappear. It is also a place where sin and evil have been eliminated, and therefore the sources of pain are gone. The last promise that is pivotal for us as Christians is the reality that in heaven we will not know hunger or thirst, but only an unending source of living water. So much of our human life is about our hungers and thirsts, some of them just our physical needs and some of them other needs in our lives. The place we are going will no longer have those thirsts so we can spend our time in service to God and in the satisfaction of a filled and fulfilled life in eternity. To K