
The Road Less Traveled: The Dangerous Road



Scripture Focus: Luke 13:31-35 There is a lure in taking risk.  Youth culture is focused on the X games and extreme sports where one's life and health is at stake in order to feel alive and receive the adulation of friends. Danger meets us as we travel on busy streets and yet we engage in the risk.  We follow financial schemes that put our assets at risk.  We take a chance that by accepting the new job or starting a new business we will have a better and more fulfilling life.  Fear is met either by the devaluing of life or by the thrill of living on the edge.  Is this really the life we want to live?  There is a lure in avoiding any risk.  Many of us avoid accidents by driving back roads and byways.  We avoid the pain of broken relationships by avoiding relationships.  We seek the safe way in work, money, family and even faith.  Fear is met by controlling every circumstance and encounter.  Is this really life?  The road less traveled entrusts our lives to God who wants to keep us saf