
The Road Less Traveled: The Wilderness Road



Scripture Focus:  Luke 4:1-13 When we are moved from those places and passages that are comfortable we find ourselves in wilderness.  We seldom travel this road of our own choosing.  It comes when things in our life break down or unexpected forces take over. It comes when the road before us seems unclear and we diverge from the original path.    There are two paths in the wilderness.  One is a self reliant path.  You look for strength within you and with all of your wisdom and cunning try to find a way out.  You seek for the easy way, the path of least resistance and find yourself covering the same ground again and again.  Fear grows. Defensiveness grows.  Physical forcefulness grows.  But exhaustion leads to despair as you move deeper into wilderness with no hope.  The other path looks always for resources outside you.  It is the path that recognizes weakness and knows that the wilderness cannot be conquered alone.  You look for wisdom beyond yourself.  You know that the tests you face are