
The Road Less Traveled: The Humility Road



Scripture Focus: Joel 2:12-13, 15-17 The road most traveled is the road of recognition and self-glory.  We want to receive credit for a job well done.  We feel like we must offer lavish praise upon people in order to receive their best.  We know also that when recognition is not available we can avoid doing the right thing.  We become discouraged when no one notices our good work and feel unappreciated to the point of giving up.   The less traveled road is the road of humility that does what is right when no one is looking.  We trust that our treasures are in heaven and thrive in pleasing God as we serve our neighbor.  On this road we practice our faith without a fanfare knowing that the immediate reward comes in having a life worth living; a life of God given identity and purpose.  To Know:  We will never receive accolades enough to fill the empty places in our lives. To Feel:  The good and faithful things we do are received by the God who loves us. To Do:  Engage authentically in