Create & Inspire Podcast with Aunia Kahn

27: 6 Tips To Help You Self Promote Effectively



ABOUT THIS EPISODE In this episode we talk about self promotion and how to use it to better further your career. Many artists and creatives don’t want to partake in self-promotion since it can seem ego-driven or very self-serving, however, it is a vital part of building a career. Here are some tips on how to better self promote and why it’s important. Also, we are sharing with you our 30 Day Creative Challenge which starts Oct 31st, 2014. SHOW QUOTES It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen. – Muhammad Ali Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. – Albert Camus SHOW LINKSThe Art of Self Promotion: 6 Tips to Get Your Work DiscoveredBoomer Business Podcast