Dennis Has A Podcast

Episode 625 - "The Shrinky Dink Big Show."



My good brother Keith Blacknick is back on DHAP Show to talk about our experience at New York Comic Con experience, getting to get some awesome Brian Kong Mets artwork, an incredible Chris Jericho print from @dreadeddinosaur, Dennis getting tongue-tied meeting WWE Legend Christian, all of the awesome things happening at NYCC, which also chatting about our upcoming comedy show, and the upcoming 2019 Queens Baseball Convention! Get your FREE tickets for October 20th's Halloween Hammock Comedy Show today! You can follow Keith on Twitter at @mediagoon! Check out his blog at! The 2019 Queens Baseball Convention will be on Saturday, January 19th at 11:00am at Katch Astoria! Be on the look out for tickets and more information soon! Check out, on Twitter at @QBConvention, on Instagram at @QBConvention, and on Facebook at! Follow the Dennis Has A Podcast on Twitter at @DHAPshow, listen to and subscribe on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, i