Dennis Has A Podcast

Episode 449 - Brooklyn Quartet, Rock WILK, and the Community



Last weekend, I spent a couple of days with Rock WILK and reg e gaines in the city to talk about Brooklyn Quartet. Written and performed by Rock, and directed by reg e, we visited Vaughn and Green Garden Health Food in The Bronx, and Cyd Charisse Fulton at NYU Gallatin, to get into the community, and talk not only Brooklyn Quartet, but all the amazing things happening in their communities. You can see Brooklyn Quartet for two performances only at the Pregones Theater, June 24th and June 25th. You can get tickets at! Follow the show on Twitter at @DHAPshow, listen to and subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher, PocketCasts and TuneIn Radio (leave a comment and 5 stars!)! Check out! #phenomenal