Forbidden Doctor: Revealing Forbidden Health Secrets!

86: 12 Ways the Health Care System May Be Harming You



We'd like to think that when we get sick, the last bastion of hope for health care, our doctors, urgent care facilities, and hospitals would be the place to be for the best chance to get well. If only this were true every time... There are numerous cases of people winding up in worse shape than when they went in for help in the first place. Dr. Jack and Mary peel back the layers on several studies of this phenomenon to learn more about what we should all be watching out for, if we do have to go to the doctor, or worse, need a hospital stay. If you or anyone you know has major health care coming up soon, you will want to know about the 12 ways the health care system may be blowing it, and making us worse off! The most important theme here is that you are empowered to ask questions and demand answers. What is the main problem? What do I need to do? Why is it important for me to do this? This podcast will give you some surprising things to consider.