Forbidden Doctor: Revealing Forbidden Health Secrets!

Eliminating Hemorrhoids Once And For All [Episode #13]



Imagine, if you will:  Candlelight, soft music… Your lover gazes softly at you from across the table.  The kids are at Grandma’s house.  The atmosphere smells of hormones.  Pupils are dilated.  A gentle touch, the promise of soon being much… much closer…  Then it hits!  The dreaded “H-word.”  You know the one.  HEMORRHOIDS.  They know no bounds of race, creed, or economic status.  They care not to which political party you subscribe or what country club you’re a member of.  The all too familiar burning, itching, irritation begs even the most dignified among us to stealthily conceal creams and wipes and pads promising freedom from this most undignified situation amongst the cereal and pasta in the bottom of the shopping cart.  The problem is—as with most of our crisis care based healthcare system—that those creams and wipes and pads are really only focused on reducing symptoms… for a time.  They do nothing to address the reason behind (no pun intended) the symptoms.   Well, what if I told you the reason behind