Forbidden Doctor: Revealing Forbidden Health Secrets!

Avoiding Colon Cancer Is Easier Than You Think [Episode #11]



Not Just Extra Parts “You don’t need it.”   “It doesn’t really do anything.”   “We can just take that out.” Let’s talk about your gall bladder—what it does and why it’s not just an “extra part” that can be done away with at the first hint of something gone awry.   While it’s true gall bladder attacks can be excruciating experiences and that there are times when the gall bladder is so diseased that immediate removal is not only necessary, but a blessing, these situations are the exception, not the rule.  With 600,000 cholecystectomies performed every year, it behooves us to know when true crisis care is unavoidable and when we can rely on that “forbidden doctor” inside us to bring about healing and wholeness to the body.    The gall bladder is to bile what the urinary bladder is to urine—it’s a holding tank.  Your liver produces approximately a quart of bile per day, and the gall bladder holds it until it’s called upon to spit out the exact amount needed when the fat you eat reaches the small intestine.  It is