Forbidden Doctor: Revealing Forbidden Health Secrets!

How To Strengthen Your Immunity - Part 1 [Episode #6]



Today we’re going to talk about “forbidden immunity.”  Why is it forbidden?  Well, there just isn’t a lot of profit in the propagation of healthy immune systems now, is there?  Just a theory.  But we’ll let you decide as we dive in a little deeper.  We have looked at the foundations of gut health in previous blog posts, and we go into much greater detail in some of our podcasts, but today let’s take it a step further as we examine the basics of immunity. All of life is a balance, and this goes for the gut as well, which houses around 85% of the immune system, so our focus is always on bringing back that balanced state, that homeostasis—the good, the bad, flora, viruses—because our bodies are designed to survive and thrive as one with the world around us.  Prior to the 1940s, and the ushering in of the “drugs for anything, drugs for everything” era, honoring this balance and connection between the gut and immunity by healing with nutrition, herbs, and other natural modalities to, in essence, help the body help