Rachel & Sam Read A Story

The Teeny Tiny Ghost and the Monster



It's getting closer to Halloween everyone, and that means it's time for ScAaAaAaAaAaAry stories! This one is about a g-g-g-ghost!! We're joined by Xach Fromson (@_mythogenesis_) to read a silly little book that has no sense of establishing a baseline! Sure the book is fun, but inconsistent. If you like the episodes where we really tear into a book, then this is the one for one! Because Halloween is not the time to be nice. Halloween is the time for candy! Also this book. Specifically this book on our podcast. You should listen. Rachel & Sam Read a Story is about the fun of reading children's books new and old, and also about how little sense these books make when you read them 20 years later. We read the books aloud and make fun of them as we go. Enjoy! Follow Sam (@SamGasch) or follow Rachel (@Sknowite). Either way, please subscribe!