Go Hunt Life

Ep96 When Your Fear of Doing Nothing Surpasses Your Fear of Screwing Up – Derek and Anna Morris



A few years ago, Anna and Derek Morris had everything that they ever wanted in Houston TX. Derek had a corporate job in the oil and gas industry and Anna was self-employed building a startup. They had a perfect house with a pool, a big yard and a mortgage so on paper they had the perfect, normal life. But their ripcord decision began to build and it peaked when they realized that their fear of doing nothing was greater than their fear of potentially screwing up their lives by quitting everything safe to travel the world. They made the daunting decision to live their motto, We Play Everywhere, and launched out into the unknown and chaotic world of constant travel. Their story includes.... The safe lives that they built in Houston. When they reached the point of their fear of doing nothing became greater than their fear of screwing up their lives. The process of getting rid of their stuff. What it was really like to travel and hit 30 countries with nothing but backpacks and carry-ons. What it was like coming ba