Go Hunt Life

Ep95 Pulling the Ripcord was a Living Hell but a Family of 4 Finds Their Way Wandering the World - Will and Jessica Sueiro ✈️



Will and Jessica Sueiro left their 9-to-5 jobs in Boston behind, pulled their kids from school and set out on an adventure wandering the world but the first 6 months of their new lives turned into a living hell. Their first stop was Costa Rica and what they quickly learned is that there was no amount of planning that could have prepared them for the transition from normal life in the States to their new lives full of unstructured chaos wandering the world. They kept pursuing their dream and didn't let the minor setbacks force them to go back on their decision to live a bolder and fuller life. Fast-Forward a few years and they've just relived that first 6 months of chaos and frustration after their kids convinced them to buy an RV and for them to wander across Morocco. "We do not learn from our mistakes but that has made all the difference in our journey." Jessica Sueiro In this episode the Sueiro's share... Pulling the kids from school without ever home-schooling them before. Telling their friends but decidin