Go Hunt Life

E038 Newlyweds Pursue Minimalist Lifestyle Traveling Sustainably and Exploring Water Conservation - Sarah and Patrick Houston



Most couples when they get married, they go on their honeymoon and then settle into the married life and nest. My guests today are Sarah and Patrick Houston are not like “most couples” and they are not “nesting”. They are pursuing a minimalist lifestyle traveling through the Southeast US and Mexico on bicycles. As they were planning their wedding in early 2016, they were also planning their exit from their normal jobs, with comfortable salaries and a normal, predictable life to pursue their passion of water conservation and educating themselves and others on this fleeting resource. Making conservation a Wild Adventure. A few months after they got married, they had sold everything they owned, gave away what they couldn’t sell and got on bicycles to travel through the Southwest US and Mexico to raise awareness about the scarcity of water. If you want to know anything about water conservation and want to get really geeky about it, Sarah is your go to. She’s dedicated her life and career around this diminishing r