Go Hunt Life

E032 Software CEO Quits Executive Life to Build Bicycles - Dave Weiner



Dave Weiner was the CEO of an international software company and his technology career had been cranking for over a decade. He was flying all over the country, meeting with clients and he had built the business up to 285 employees. So what he do? He pulled the ripcord on his life as a technology CEO and quit, and he founded a bicycle company. And not just any bicycle company. A commuter bike company. He set out to produce bikes that were comfortable and dependable, that didn’t require a lot of the normal maintenance and rarely got flat tires. Dave wanted to validate his idea and see what the market thought so he turned to Kickstarter. He set a goal of $30,000 and in less than 30 days, he’d raised $550,000. His idea was officially validated and he launched Priority Bicycles. "I wanted to make low maintenance bicycles. I wanted them to be beautiful and I wanted them to be affordable." Now almost 3 years into it, he’s cranking, literally. He’s still a CEO but he’s the CEO of Priority Bicycles based in New York C