Go Hunt Life

E014 Arkansas Attorney to International Travel Writer - Michael Hodson



This Arkansas Attorney quit his law career and became an International Travel Writer. Michael Hodson was a Lawyer in Fayetteville Arkansas for 10 years and at the age of 41, quit to circumnavigate the globe in 12 months...without getting on a plane. The 12 months turned into 16 months and then turned into 7 years. What is it like to be a full-time traveler with no home to come back to and all of your possessions in a backpack? How do you get into this? How do you pay for it? Michael started on his 12 month journey and began travel blogging when the 'travel blogging' industry was just beginning. He built a solid following on his website Go See Write and then migrated into the video industry by shooting promotional videos for hotels in exchange for a place to stay. Being a full-time travel blogger looks glamorous when you follow their social channels but Michael paints a much different picture. He explains exactly how he did it and the emotional struggle and the toll that constantly moving and the constant disr